Across Australia Trek update No 1
AMVCQ and VCCAQ members Merv and Margaret Thompson left Caboolture, Brisbane on Monday 18 July with 40 odd other veteran (pre 1919) cars and motor cycles heading across to Broome.
Below is a video from Margaret of Merv leaving Augathella on the morning of Friday 22 July, 2022 (day 5 of the journey) heading towards Blackall for an overnigth stop. Don’t worry, Merv did not leave Margaret behind, she’s following in the back up vehicle!
Here’s some photos of their arrival in Blackall for an overnight stay.
On Saturday, 23 July, they leave Blackall for Longreach via Barcaldine. Once in Longreach they will stay for two nights, includig a day of rest on Sunday 24.
If you know of anyone along the route, let them know about the event and encourage them to come out and support the participants. I’ve let some peopel I know in Barcaldine to watch out for the rally arond lunchtime. Whilst there is no planned stop in Barcaldine, many may stop for some lunch in the main street.
During the lunchtime stop, anyone can request a ride for a donation of $50 to the Royal Flying Doctors Service and Beyond Blue, the charities that the Rally is raising funds for - two very worthy casues, so get on baord!
Again, you can follow the participants on FaceBook by searching “Brisbane to Broome”. There are many car clubs that are following the group and reporting.
The route from Blackall to Longreach via Barcaldine on Saturday 23 July, 2022.