Merv and Margaret's adventure.....and so it begins!
On Sunday, 17 July 2022, the particpants in the Veteran Car Club of Australia Queensland (VCCAQ) had a pre-journey start with dipping their rear wheels in the ocean at Beachmere, Qld.
Below is a video of Merv Thompson gently and carefully placing the rear wheels of the 1915 Model ‘T’ Ford in the ocean.
Merv Thompson dipping the rear wheels of the 1915 Model ‘T’ Ford into the Ocean at Beachmere, Qld on 17 July 2022.
And here is Margaret and Merv heading off from the Caboolture Historical Village on Monday 18 July 2022. Note the AMVCQ members there to give them a great send off.
Margaret and Merv set off in their 1915 Model ‘T’ Ford from Caboolture 18 July 2022.
You can follow the participants on FaceBook by searching “Brisbane to Broome”. There are many car clubs that are following the group and reporting. Below is a link to a video of Day 2, Tuesday 19 July. Look out for the third car (after the yellow one) that comes by in the video - it’s Merv and Margaret in the Model ‘T’!
You can check out their travel plan and route in the previous article “Adventure across Australia for AMVCQ members”.