40 years of being a club for all Austin vehicle models enthusiasts - join up today!

Our sister clubs

Austin A40 Car Club of Australia

Established in 1971 to focus primarily on the presentation, restoration and continued use of the Austin A40, with owners of other Austin models welcome. 

The Austin 7 Register of Queensland

Established in 1967 to promote, preserve and assist in the restoration of a wonderful, small car that is so much a part of our motoring history.

Austin Seven Register of Qld (Inc)

Set up by enthusiasts 40 years ago to promote, preserve and assist in the restoration of a wonderful, small car that is so much a part of our motoring history.

Austin Healey Owners Club of Queensland

Established in 1970 to share the feeling of owning one of the best sports cars and to help overcome some of the challenges of owning a Healey.

Austin Motor Vehicle Club of NSW

Catering for owners and enthusiasts of all models and variants of Austin Motor Vehicles.

Austin Healey Owners Club of Victoria Inc.

This Melbourne club is dedicated to the maintenance, preservation and enjoyment of the Austin Healey roadster.

Austin 7 Club Inc.

Based in Melbourne, is one of the oldest single make car clubs in the Australia. 

Austin 7 Club (SA) Inc

An all cars club based in Seaton, a suburb of Adelaide, SA and host club for AOA 2019

Austin Motor Vehicle Club of WA

The AMVC of WA welcomes everyone with an interest in Austin vehicles. Ownership of an Austin is not a requirement of membership. There is no website for this club. Club newsletters can be accessed from the Members Only section of this website.

International Car Clubs

UK Cambridge-Oxford Owners Club

A car club based in the UK, but with a truly international membership


Parts for Austins

We are compiling a list of links to suppliers of parts for Austins. If you have dealt with someone or a company who has provided you with a solution for your Austin, let us know and we'll add a link to their website for others to use.

For members there is available a list of Austin spare parts that the club holds in a storage container. There is also an extensive list of contacts for parts and repairs compiled by club members. Both lists are available for download in the Members Only section of the website under “Club Spare Parts & Repair Guide”.

British Classic Spare Parts - carries a large range of parts for Austins & other British cars

British Classic Car Buy Swap Sell - a dedicated classifieds web site for owners and fellow enthusiasts within the Australian British classic car community

For repairs and servicing for your Austin

Timeless Automotive

192 Annerley Road, Dutton Park, Queensland

Phone: Ethan Spoljarevic on 0411 350 818

Email: info@timelessautomotive.com.au